IranOpen SS2D committee decided to hold a soccer simulation 2d league for junior students in 2018. Therefore a new base and a library were created and publicly available, which are the StarterAgent2D, a simplified Agent2D base, and StarterLibrcsc, a simplified Librcsc. To simplify the Agent2D base, Formations, ChainAction, Pass, Dribble, Shoot, etc. eliminated.
Plus, straightforward decisions and behaviors developed for the new base.
In addition, we changed some parameters of the server that listed as follows:
server::fullstate_l = false -> true
server::fullstate_r = false -> true
server::stamina_capacity = 130600 -> 150000
server::stamina_max = 8000 -> 10000
server::hear_max = 1 -> 11
Also, new rules specified for this league:
a- All members should be under 18 years old.
b- All codes should have written by members.
c- Using a released code is not allowed.
d- Members of each team have to explain all new codes.
There were 14 teams in Starter SS2D league in IranOpen 2018, 11 teams in Asia-Pacific Robocup, and 18 teams have been qualified in IranOpen2020 but this competition has been postponed.